SGI Hot Mix 17
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732 lines
; $Id: mesh_obj.pro,v 1.3 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1994-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; MESH_OBJ generates a polygon mesh (vertex list and polygon list) that
; represent the desired primitive object. The available primitive
; objects are: triangulated surface, rectangular surface, polar surface,
; cylindrical surface, spherical surface, surface of extrusion, surface
; of revolution, and ruled surface.
; Graphics.
; MESH_OBJ, Type, Vertex_List, Polygon_List, Array1, Array2
; Type: An integer which specifies what type of object to create.
; ---------- -------------
; ELSE none
; Vertex_List:
; On input, Vertex_List may be undefined. On output, it contains
; the mesh vertices. Vertex_List and Polygon_List have the same
; format as the lists returned by the SHADE_VOLUME procedure.
; Polygon_List:
; On input, Polygon_List may be undefined. On output, it contains
; the mesh indexes.
; Array1:
; An array whose use depends on the type of object being created.
; SURFACE TYPE: Array1 type
; ------------- --------------------------------------------
; TRIANGULATED A (3, n) array containing random [x, y, z]
; points to build a triangulated surface from.
; The resulting polygon mesh will have n
; vertices. When shading a triangulated mesh,
; the shading array should have (n) elements.
; RECTANGULAR A two dimensional (n, m) array containing
; z values. The resulting polygon mesh will
; have n*m vertices.
; When shading a rectangular mesh, the shading
; array should have (n, m) elements.
; POLAR A two dimensional (n, m) array containing
; z values. The resulting polygon mesh will
; have n*m vertices. The n dimension of the
; array is mapped to the polar angle, and the
; m dimension is mapped to the polar radius.
; When shading a polar mesh, the shading array
; should have (n, m) elements.
; CYLINDRICAL A two dimensional (n, m) array containing
; radius values. The resulting polygon mesh
; will have n*m vertices. The n dimension of
; the array is mapped to the polar angle,
; and the m dimension is mapped to the Z axis.
; When shading a cylindrical mesh, the shading
; array should have (n, m) elements.
; SPHERICAL A two dimensional (n, m) array containing
; radius values. The resulting polygon mesh
; will have n*m vertices. The n dimension of
; the array is mapped to the longitude (0.0 to
; 360.0 degrees), and the m dimension is
; mapped to the latitude (-90.0 to +90.0
; degrees).
; When shading a spherical mesh, the shading
; array should have (n, m) elements.
; EXTRUSION A (3, n) array of connected 3-D points which
; define the shape to extrude. The resulting
; polygon mesh will have n*(steps+1) vertices
; (where steps is the number of "segments" in
; the extrusion). (See the P1 keyword).
; If the order of the elements in Array1 is
; reversed, then the polygon facing is
; reversed.
; When shading an extrusion mesh, the shading
; array should have (n, steps+1) elements.
; REVOLUTION A (3, n) array of connected 3-D points which
; define the shape to revolve. The resulting
; polygon mesh will have n*((steps>3)+1)
; vertices (where steps is the number of
; "steps" in the revolution). (See the P1
; keyword). If the order of the elements in
; Array1 is reversed, then the polygon facing
; is reversed.
; When shading a revolution mesh, the shading
; array should have (n, (steps>3)+1) elements.
; RULED A (3, n) array of connected 3-D points which
; define the shape of the first ruled vector.
; The optional (3, m) Array2 parameter defines
; the shape of the second ruled vector. The
; resulting polygon mesh will have
; (n>m)*(steps+1) vertices (where steps is the
; number of intermediate "steps"). (See the P1
; keyword).
; When shading a ruled mesh, the shading
; array should have (n>m, steps+1) elements.
; Array2:
; If the object type is 7 (Ruled Surface) then Array2 is a (3, m)
; array containing the 3-D points which define the second ruled
; vector. If Array2 has fewer elements than Array1 then Array2 is
; processed with CONGRID to give it the same number of elements
; as Array1. If Array1 has fewer elements than Array2 then Array1
; is processed with CONGRID to give it the same number of
; elements as Array2.
; Array2 MUST be supplied if the object type is 7. Otherwise,
; Array2 is ignored.
; P1 - P5:
; The meaning of the keywords P1 through P5 vary depending upon
; the object type.
; SURFACE TYPE: Keywords
; ------------- --------------------------------------------
; TRIANGULATED P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5 are ignored.
; RECTANGULAR If Array1 is an (n, m) array, and if P1 has
; n elements, then the values contained in
; P1 are the X coordinates for each column of
; vertices. Otherwise, FINDGEN(n) is used for
; the X coordinates. If P2 has m elements,
; then the values contained in P2 are the Y
; coordinates for each row of vertices.
; Otherwise, FINDGEN(m) is used for the Y
; coordinates. The polygon facing is reversed
; if the order of either P1 or P2 (but not
; both) is reversed.
; P3, P4, and P5 are ignored.
; POLAR P1 specifies the polar angle of the first
; column of Array1 (the default is 0). P2
; specifies the polar angle of the last column
; of Array1 (the default is 2*PI). If P2 is
; less than P1 then the polygon facing is
; reversed. P3 specifies the radius of the
; first row of Array1 (the default is 0). P4
; specifies the radius of the last row of
; Array1 (the default is m-1). If P4 is less
; than P3 then the polygon facing is reversed.
; P5 is ignored.
; CYLINDRICAL P1 specifies the polar angle of the first
; column of Array1 (the default is 0). P2
; specifies the polar angle of the last column
; of Array1 (the default is 2*PI). If P2 is
; less than P1 then the polygon facing is
; reversed. P3 specifies the Z coordinate of
; the first row of Array1 (the default is 0).
; P4 specifies the Z coordinate of the last
; row of Array1 (the default is m-1). If P4 is
; less than P3 then the polygon facing is
; reversed. P5 is ignored.
; SPHERICAL P1 specifies the longitude of the first
; column of Array1 (the default is 0). P2
; specifies the longitude of the last column
; of Array1 (the default is 2*PI). IF P2 is
; less than P1 then the polygon facing is
; reversed. P3 specifies the latitude of the
; first row of Array1 (the default is -PI/2).
; P4 specifies the latitude of the last row of
; Array1 (the default is +PI/2). If P4 is less
; than P3 then the polygon facing is reversed.
; P5 is ignored.
; EXTRUSION P1 specifies the number of steps in the
; extrusion (the default is 1). P2 is a three
; element vector specifying the direction
; (and length) of the extrusion (the default
; is [0, 0, 1]). P3, P4, and P5 are ignored.
; REVOLUTION P1 specifies the number of "facets" in the
; revolution (the default is 3). If P1 is less
; than 3 then 3 is used. P2 is a three element
; vector specifying a point that the rotation
; vector passes through (the default is
; [0, 0, 0]). P3 is a three element vector
; specifying the direction of the rotation
; vector (the default is [0, 0, 1]). P4
; specifies the starting angle for the
; revolution (the default is 0). P5 specifies
; the ending angle for the revolution (the
; default is 2*PI). If P5 is less than P4 then
; the polygon facing is reversed.
; RULED P1 specifies the number of "steps" in the
; ruling (the default is 1).
; P2, P3, P4, and P5 are ignored.
; DEGREES: If set, then the input parameters are in degrees
; (where applicable). Otherwise, the angles are in
; radians.
; ; Create a 48x64 cylinder with a constant radius of 0.25.
; MESH_OBJ, 3, Vertex_List, Polygon_List, Replicate(0.25, 48, 64), $
; P4=0.5
; ; Transform the vertices.
; T3d, /Reset
; T3d, Rotate=[0.0, 30.0, 0.0]
; T3d, Rotate=[0.0, 0.0, 40.0]
; T3d, Translate=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
; Vertex_List = Vert_T3d(Vertex_List)
; ; Create the window and view.
; Window, 0, Xsize=512, Ysize=512
; Create_View, Winx=512, Winy=512
; ; Render the mesh.
; Set_Shading, Light=[-0.5, 0.5, 2.0], Reject=0
; Tvscl, Polyshade(Vertex_List, Polygon_List, /Normal)
; ; Create a cone (surface of revolution).
; MESH_OBJ, 6, Vertex_List, Polygon_List, $
; [[0.75, 0.0, 0.25], [0.5, 0.0, 0.75]], P1=16, P2=[0.5, 0.0, 0.0]
; ; Create the window and view.
; Window, 0, Xsize=512, Ysize=512
; Create_View, Winx=512, Winy=512, Ax=30.0, Ay=(140.0), Zoom=0.5
; ; Render the mesh.
; Set_Shading, Light=[-0.5, 0.5, 2.0], Reject=0
; Tvscl, Polyshade(Vertex_List, Polygon_List, /Data, /T3d)
; Written by: Daniel Carr, Thu Mar 31 19:16:43 MST 1994
PRO MESH_OBJ, obj_type, vertex_list, polygon_list, array1, array2, $
P1=p1, P2=p2, P3=p3, P4=p4, P5=p5, $
CASE obj_type OF
0: BEGIN ; Triangulated surface.
sz_array = Size(array1)
IF (sz_array[1] GE 3L) THEN vertex_list = array1 $
ELSE vertex_list = [array1, Replicate(0.0, 1, sz_array[2])]
Triangulate, vertex_list[0, *], vertex_list[1, *], tri
polygon_list = [Replicate(3L, 1L, (N_Elements(tri) / 3L)), Temporary(tri)]
polygon_list = polygon_list[*]
1: BEGIN ; Rectangular surface.
sz_array = Size(array1)
dim_x = sz_array[1]
dim_y = sz_array[2]
vert_num = dim_x * dim_y
indx_num = (dim_x - 1L) * (dim_y - 1L)
poly_num = 5L * indx_num
vertex_list = Fltarr(3, vert_num, /Nozero)
IF (N_Elements(p1) EQ dim_x) THEN $
vertex_list[0, *] = p1 # Replicate(1.0, dim_y) $
ELSE vertex_list[0, *] = Findgen(dim_x) # Replicate(1.0, dim_y)
IF (N_Elements(p2) EQ dim_y) THEN $
vertex_list[1, *] = Replicate(1.0, dim_x) # p2 $
ELSE vertex_list[1, *] = Replicate(1.0, dim_x) # Findgen(dim_y)
vertex_list[2, *] = Float(array1)
polygon_list = Lonarr(poly_num, /Nozero)
p_ind = 5L * Lindgen(indx_num)
y_inc = Replicate(1L, (dim_x - 1L)) # Lindgen(dim_y - 1L)
polygon_list[p_ind] = 4L
p_ind = p_ind + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind] = Lindgen(indx_num) + y_inc[*]
y_inc = 0
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = polygon_list[p_ind] + 1L
p_ind = p_ind + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = polygon_list[p_ind] + dim_x
p_ind = p_ind + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = polygon_list[p_ind] - 1L
p_ind = 0
2: BEGIN ; Polar surface.
sz_array = Size(array1)
dim_x = sz_array[1]
dim_y = sz_array[2]
vert_num = dim_x * dim_y
vertex_list = Fltarr(3, vert_num, /Nozero)
min_ang = 0.0
max_ang = 2.0 * !PI
min_rad = 0.0
max_rad = Float(dim_y - 1L)
IF (N_Elements(p1) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
min_ang = Float(p1)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN min_ang = min_ang * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p2) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
max_ang = Float(p2)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN max_ang = max_ang * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p3) GT 0L) THEN min_rad = Float(p3)
IF (N_Elements(p4) GT 0L) THEN max_rad = Float(p4)
min_rad = min_rad > 1.0E-4
max_rad = max_rad > 1.0E-4
IF (min_ang EQ max_ang) THEN max_ang = max_ang + (2.0 * !PI)
vertex_list[2, *] = Float(array1)
vertex_list[1, *] = Replicate(1.0, dim_x) # $
(min_rad + ((max_rad - min_rad) * Findgen(dim_y) / Float(dim_y - 1L)))
vertex_list[0, *] = $
(min_ang + ((max_ang - min_ang) * Findgen(dim_x) / $
Float(dim_x - 1L))) # Replicate(1.0, dim_y)
indx_num = (dim_x - 1L) * (dim_y - 1L)
poly_num = 5L * indx_num
polygon_list = Lonarr(poly_num, /Nozero)
y_inc = Replicate(1L, (dim_x - 1L)) # Lindgen(dim_y - 1L)
p_ind = 5L * Lindgen(indx_num)
polygon_list[p_ind] = 4L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = Lindgen(indx_num) + y_inc[*]
y_inc = 0
polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] + dim_x
polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 4L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] - dim_x
p_ind = 0
vertex_list = CV_COORD(From_Cylin=vertex_list, /To_Rect)
3: BEGIN ; Cylindrical surface.
sz_array = Size(array1)
dim_x = sz_array[1]
dim_y = sz_array[2]
vert_num = dim_x * dim_y
vertex_list = Fltarr(3, vert_num, /Nozero)
min_ang = 0.0
max_ang = 2.0 * !PI
min_len = 0.0
max_len = Float(dim_y - 1L)
IF (N_Elements(p1) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
min_ang = Float(p1)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN min_ang = min_ang * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p2) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
max_ang = Float(p2)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN max_ang = max_ang * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p3) GT 0L) THEN min_len = Float(p3)
IF (N_Elements(p4) GT 0L) THEN max_len = Float(p4)
IF (min_ang EQ max_ang) THEN max_ang = max_ang + (2.0 * !PI)
vertex_list[1, *] = Float(array1)
vertex_list[2, *] = Replicate(1.0, dim_x) # $
(min_len + ((max_len - min_len) * Findgen(dim_y) / Float(dim_y - 1L)))
vertex_list[0, *] = $
(min_ang + ((max_ang - min_ang) * Findgen(dim_x) / $
Float(dim_x - 1L))) # Replicate(1.0, dim_y)
indx_num = (dim_x - 1L) * (dim_y - 1L)
poly_num = 5L * indx_num
polygon_list = Lonarr(poly_num, /Nozero)
y_inc = Replicate(1L, (dim_x - 1L)) # Lindgen(dim_y - 1L)
p_ind = 5L * Lindgen(indx_num)
polygon_list[p_ind] = 4L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = Lindgen(indx_num) + y_inc[*]
y_inc = 0
polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] + dim_x
polygon_list[p_ind + 4L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] - 1L
p_ind = 0
vertex_list = CV_COORD(From_Cylin=vertex_list, /To_Rect)
4: BEGIN ; Spherical surface.
sz_array = Size(array1)
dim_x = sz_array[1]
dim_y = sz_array[2]
vert_num = dim_x * dim_y
vertex_list = Fltarr(3, vert_num, /Nozero)
min_lon = 0.0
max_lon = 2.0 * !PI
min_lat = (-!PI) / 2.0
max_lat = (+!PI) / 2.0
IF (N_Elements(p1) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
min_lon = Float(p1)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN min_lon = min_lon * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p2) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
max_lon = Float(p2)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN max_lon = max_lon * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p3) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
min_lat = Float(p3)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN min_lat = min_lat * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p4) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
max_lat = Float(p4)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN max_lat = max_lat * !Dtor
min_lat = (min_lat > (((-!PI) / 2.0) + 1.0E-4)) < $
(((+!PI) / 2.0) - 1.0E-4)
max_lat = (max_lat > (((-!PI) / 2.0) + 1.0E-4)) < $
(((+!PI) / 2.0) - 1.0E-4)
IF (min_lon EQ max_lon) THEN max_lon = max_lon + (2.0 * !PI)
vertex_list[2, *] = Float(array1)
vertex_list[1, *] = Replicate(1.0, dim_x) # $
(min_lat + ((max_lat - min_lat) * Findgen(dim_y) / Float(dim_y - 1L)))
vertex_list[0, *] = $
(min_lon + ((max_lon - min_lon) * Findgen(dim_x) / $
Float(dim_x - 1L))) # Replicate(1.0, dim_y)
indx_num = (dim_x - 1L) * (dim_y - 1L)
poly_num = 5L * indx_num
polygon_list = Lonarr(poly_num, /Nozero)
y_inc = Replicate(1L, (dim_x - 1L)) # Lindgen(dim_y - 1L)
p_ind = 5L * Lindgen(indx_num)
polygon_list[p_ind] = 4L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = Lindgen(indx_num) + y_inc[*]
y_inc = 0
polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] + dim_x
polygon_list[p_ind + 4L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] - 1L
p_ind = 0
vertex_list = CV_COORD(From_Sphere=vertex_list, /To_Rect)
5: BEGIN ; Surface of extrusion.
sz_array = Size(array1)
max_ind = sz_array[2] - 1L
steps = 1L
IF (N_Elements(p1) GT 0L) THEN steps = Long(p1) > 1L
vert_num = sz_array[2] * (steps + 1L)
indx_num = max_ind * steps
poly_num = 5L * indx_num
polygon_list = Lonarr(poly_num, /Nozero)
y_inc = Replicate(1L, max_ind) # Lindgen(steps)
p_ind = 5L * Lindgen(indx_num)
polygon_list[p_ind] = 4L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = Lindgen(indx_num) + y_inc[*]
y_inc = 0
polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] + sz_array[2]
polygon_list[p_ind + 4L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] - 1L
p_ind = 0
ex_vec = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
IF (N_Elements(p2) GT 0L) THEN ex_vec = Float(p2)
len = Sqrt(ex_vec[0]^2 + ex_vec[1]^2 + ex_vec[2]^2)
IF (len EQ 0.0) THEN BEGIN
ex_vec = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
len = 1.0
len = Sqrt(ex_vec[0]^2 + ex_vec[1]^2 + ex_vec[2]^2)
ex_vec = ex_vec / len
z_ang = 0.0
y_len = Sqrt(ex_vec[0]^2 + ex_vec[1]^2)
IF (y_len GT 0.0) THEN $
z_ang = Atan(ex_vec[1], ex_vec[0]) * !Radeg
y_ang = 0.0
IF ((ex_vec[2] NE 0.0) OR (y_len GT 0.0)) THEN $
y_ang = Atan(ex_vec[2], y_len) * !Radeg
save_pt = !P.T
T3d, /Reset
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, 0.0, (-z_ang)]
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, (y_ang), 0.0]
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, (-90.0), 0.0]
IF (sz_array[1] EQ 2L) THEN $
perim = Vert_T3d([array1[0, *], array1[1, *], $
Replicate(0.0, 1L, sz_array[2])]) $
ELSE perim = Vert_T3d(array1)
vertex_list = Fltarr(3, vert_num, /Nozero)
vertex_list[0, *] = Reform(perim[0, *]) # Replicate(1.0, (steps + 1L))
vertex_list[1, *] = Reform(perim[1, *]) # Replicate(1.0, (steps + 1L))
vertex_list[2, *] = $
(Reform(perim[2, *]) # Replicate(1.0, (steps + 1L))) + $
Replicate(1.0, sz_array[2]) # $
(len * Findgen(steps + 1L) / Float(steps))
T3d, /Reset
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, (90.0), 0.0]
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, (-y_ang), 0.0]
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, 0.0, (z_ang)]
vertex_list = Vert_T3d(vertex_list, /No_Copy)
!P.T = save_pt
6: BEGIN ; Surface of revolution.
sz_array = Size(array1)
max_ind = sz_array[2] - 1L
steps = 3L
IF (N_Elements(p1) GT 0L) THEN steps = p1 > 3L
vert_num = sz_array[2] * (steps + 1L)
indx_num = max_ind * steps
poly_num = 5L * indx_num
polygon_list = Lonarr(poly_num, /Nozero)
y_inc = Replicate(1L, max_ind) # Lindgen(steps)
p_ind = 5L * Lindgen(indx_num)
polygon_list[p_ind] = 4L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = Lindgen(indx_num) + y_inc[*]
y_inc = 0
polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] + sz_array[2]
polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 2L] + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 4L] = polygon_list[p_ind + 3L] - sz_array[2]
p_ind = 0
min_ang = 0.0
max_ang = 2.0 * !PI
IF (N_Elements(p4) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
min_ang = Float(p4)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN min_ang = min_ang * !Dtor
IF (N_Elements(p5) GT 0L) THEN BEGIN
max_ang = Float(p5)
IF (Keyword_Set(degrees)) THEN max_ang = max_ang * !Dtor
IF (min_ang EQ max_ang) THEN max_ang = max_ang + (2.0 * !PI)
rot_point = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
IF (N_Elements(p2) GT 0L) THEN rot_point = Float(p2)
rot_vec = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
IF (N_Elements(p3) GT 0L) THEN rot_vec = Float(p3)
len = Sqrt(rot_vec[0]^2 + rot_vec[1]^2 + rot_vec[2]^2)
IF (len EQ 0.0) THEN BEGIN
rot_vec = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
len = 1.0
len = Sqrt(rot_vec[0]^2 + rot_vec[1]^2 + rot_vec[2]^2)
rot_vec = rot_vec / len
z_ang = 0.0
y_len = Sqrt(rot_vec[0]^2 + rot_vec[1]^2)
IF (y_len GT 0.0) THEN $
z_ang = Atan(rot_vec[1], rot_vec[0]) * !Radeg
y_ang = 0.0
IF ((rot_vec[2] NE 0.0) OR (y_len GT 0.0)) THEN $
y_ang = Atan(rot_vec[2], y_len) * !Radeg
save_pt = !P.T
T3d, /Reset
T3d, Translate=[(-rot_point[0]), (-rot_point[1]), (-rot_point[2])]
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, 0.0, (-z_ang)]
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, (y_ang - 90.0), 0.0]
IF (sz_array[1] EQ 2L) THEN $
sweep = Vert_T3d([array1[0, *], array1[1, *], $
Replicate(0.0, 1L, sz_array[2])]) $
ELSE sweep = Vert_T3d(array1)
neg_ind = Where(sweep[0, *] LT 0.0)
sweep[0, *] = Abs(sweep[0, *]) > 1.0E-4
IF (neg_ind[0] GE 0L) THEN sweep[0, neg_ind] = sweep[0, neg_ind] * (-1.0)
neg_ind = 0
vertex_list = Fltarr(3, vert_num, /Nozero)
vertex_list[0, *] = Reform(sweep[0, *]) # Replicate(1.0, (steps + 1L))
vertex_list[1, *] = Reform(sweep[1, *]) # Replicate(1.0, (steps + 1L))
vertex_list[2, *] = Reform(sweep[2, *]) # Replicate(1.0, (steps + 1L))
perim_ind = Lindgen(sz_array[2])
FOR i=0L, steps DO BEGIN
T3d, /Reset
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, 0.0, (!Radeg * $
((Float(i) * (max_ang - min_ang) / Float(steps)) + min_ang))]
vertex_list[*, perim_ind] = Vert_T3d(vertex_list[*, perim_ind])
perim_ind = perim_ind + sz_array[2]
perim_ind = 0
T3d, /Reset
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, (90.0 - y_ang), 0.0]
T3d, Rotate=[0.0, 0.0, (z_ang)]
T3d, Translate=[rot_point[0], rot_point[1], rot_point[2]]
vertex_list = Vert_T3d(vertex_list, /No_Copy)
!P.T = save_pt
7: BEGIN ; Ruled surface.
sz_array = Size(array1)
sz_array2 = Size(array2)
IF (sz_array[1] EQ 2L) THEN $
start_rule = [array1[0, *], array1[1, *], $
Replicate(0.0, 1L, sz_array[2])] $
ELSE start_rule = array1
IF (sz_array2[1] EQ 2L) THEN $
end_rule = [array2[0, *], array2[1, *], $
Replicate(0.0, 1L, sz_array2[2])] $
ELSE end_rule = array2
IF (sz_array[2] GT sz_array2[2]) THEN $
end_rule = Congrid(end_rule, 3, sz_array[2], /Interp, /Minus_One)
IF (sz_array[2] LT sz_array2[2]) THEN BEGIN
start_rule = Congrid(start_rule, 3, sz_array2[2], /Interp, /Minus_One)
sz_array = Size(start_rule)
steps = 1L
IF (N_Elements(p1) GT 0L) THEN steps = Long(p1) > 1L
dim_x = sz_array[2]
dim_y = steps + 1L
vert_num = dim_x * dim_y
indx_num = (dim_x - 1L) * (dim_y - 1L)
poly_num = 5L * indx_num
vertex_list = Fltarr(3, vert_num, /Nozero)
strip_ind = Lindgen(dim_x)
FOR i=0L, steps DO BEGIN
fac = Float(i) / Float(steps)
vertex_list[0, strip_ind] = $
((1.0 - fac) * start_rule[0, *]) + (fac * end_rule[0, *])
vertex_list[1, strip_ind] = $
((1.0 - fac) * start_rule[1, *]) + (fac * end_rule[1, *])
vertex_list[2, strip_ind] = $
((1.0 - fac) * start_rule[2, *]) + (fac * end_rule[2, *])
strip_ind = strip_ind + dim_x
polygon_list = Lonarr(poly_num, /Nozero)
p_ind = 5L * Lindgen(indx_num)
y_inc = Replicate(1L, (dim_x - 1L)) # Lindgen(dim_y - 1L)
polygon_list[p_ind] = 4L
p_ind = p_ind + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind] = Lindgen(indx_num) + y_inc[*]
y_inc = 0
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = polygon_list[p_ind] + dim_x
p_ind = p_ind + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = polygon_list[p_ind] + 1L
p_ind = p_ind + 1L
polygon_list[p_ind + 1L] = polygon_list[p_ind] - dim_x
p_ind = 0